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Purple Scapular (The Scapular of Benediction and Protection) Wearable size



SKU 98016 Category

At last, a smaller wearable size Purple Scapular! Made from 100% wool according to the specifications of Blessed Marie-Julie Jahenny. It measures about 2″ x 1.5″ making it the perfect size to wear. Highly detailed pictures on both panels. Receive the blessings and protections promised to Blessed Marie-Julie by the Blessed Virgin Mary: “I will grant great graces to those who will wish to wear this holy Habit.”

My children, any soul, any person who will possess this scapular, will see his family protected, his house will also be protected, firstly from conflagrations, which will never penetrate it. This scapular will crush the ungrateful who will blaspheme My Name in the house where it will be exposed. If an impious enters, he will be so struck that his conversion will occur. All those who will wear it will be protected from thunder, sudden death and accidents. During the chastisements they will be protected. Whoever places it in the Holy Temple, will drive out the impious and the profanations. Our Lord also adds that by reminding an obstinate soul about this scapular at the time of death, it will reawaken in it faith and conviction, that all those who will think about it and love it, will be spared the pains of the soul, that those who will wear it will be sheltered from all danger as if they possessed Heaven. And finally that this scapular will be like a lightning conductor beneath which the blows of just Divine Anger will not strike.

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